Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Chapter Seven-Historical Perspective of the Philippines Educational System

-Avelina T. Llagas, Ed. D.

"That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach."
-Aldous Huxley

I learned that the public school system was highly centralized in the year 1901 by the Philippine Commission by virtue of Act No. 74. The reason behind this implementation is because of the shortage of teachers in the country and this implementation brings 600 teachers from U.S.A and was known as Thomasites. I also learned that from the name Bureau of Public Instruction it becomes Bureau of Education under Act. No. 477 which passed on November 1, 1902.

I realize that even the school system before was greatly given attention. I also observe that even the Japanese regime, I see that the education system ensure that Filipinos preserve our own language, history and develop patriotism.

As a future teacher, I should not take for granted the efforts of pople behind of the education system before. I must work hard and offer my service responsibly, honestly, morally, religiously, and competently.

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