Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Curriculum Vitae

Mobile Number: 09358770987
Email Address: raiza_trods@yahoo.com

Work Experiences
Vegetable Checker/Encoder/Stock Checker
Ø  GALA Farm
·         Zone 1 Apovel Subdivision, Bulua, Cagayan de Oro City
Ø  Seaoil Gasoline Station
·         Camaman-an, Cagayan de Oro City

Educational Background
Professional Education 2016
·         Bukidnon State University-MOGCHS External Studies Center
Ø  Don Apolinar Velez Street, Cagayan de Oro City
Bachelor of  Arts  in English Language
·         Bukidnon State University-MOGCHS External Studies Center
Ø  Don Apolinar Velez Street, Cagayan de Oro City

Vocational  2009
·         Asiantouch International Institute Inc.
Ø  JMC Building Serina Street, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City

Secondary  2008-2009
·         Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High School
Ø  Don Apolinar Velez Street, Cagayan de Oro City

Personal Particulars

Date of Birth: February  13, 1993
Place of Birth:  Isulan, Sultan Kudarat
Permanent Home Address: Caingin Village, Bulua, Cagayan de Oro City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Language Proficiency: English, Filipino, and Nihongo

Letter to the professor, professional education students, teachers and students

To our professor,

Thank you for extending your patience towards us and thank you for the knowledge and compassion you gave despites our hard-headed heads.

Also, I am sorry that sometimes I take you for granted. God knows how remorseful I am because of these deeds.

For pushing us to our limits, I realize I CAN do more with my capabilities.

For not giving up on us sir, I owe you for life.

Thank you so much Dr. Charlie C. Quidet.


To my fellow professional education students, teachers and students,

I cannot learn without your support, humour, friendship, and your wisdom. Thank you for being there when it comes to my dark days. And thank you for being part of this wonderful experience. You all turn my life as bright as the sun. May you live your life as blissful of my life.

Chap 7-Lesson 2 Journey towards Basic Education Curricular Reforms: 1946- 2011

"We draw an important distinction between assessing and evaluating. Assessing and gathering evidence of content knowledge and skills; evaluating is the case- by- case value judgement of the quality of performance. Successful program development occur without some form of evaluation. Curriculum program evaluation is the process of systematically determining the quality of a school program and know the program can be improved"(Sanders)
 I learned that the commonwealth was established between 1946 to 1956. I also learned that the chronology of basic education curricular reforms was shown that from 1946- 1956 for 10 years they used the general education curriculum. From 1957- 1972 for 15 years they used 2-2 Plan (college prep curriculum) and (vocational curriculum). Then in 1957- 1982 for 25 years they have a revised elementary education curriculum.  And from 1973- 1988 for 15 years also, they have a revised secondary education program (electives offered). Then in 1983- 2001 for 18 years they have already a new elementary school curriculum (NESC). From 1989- 2001 for 12 years they already used the new secondary education curriculum (NSEC). Then for 2002- 2011 for 9 years, used the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum or known as BEC. Then the kindergarten started in 2011. For 2002- 2011, 1 year up to the present used also the curriculum for 2002 education curriculum. And of course they also used the 2010 secondary education curriculum. Then last 2012, they implemented a laws or policies under R.A 10157 kindergarten education act. And lastly to K12 curriculum.

              I realize that curriculum is changing according to the needs of the learners, people, and society. And for the sake of our country, our government give notice on these changes. One of the fundamental objectives of education is "to promote the sciences, arts, and letters for the enrichment of life and recognition of the dignity of the human person,” that means all learners must take elementary until high school.

            As future teacher, I should give hopes to those students who were discouraged in schooling. I want my future students enjoy learning as well as to become good citizen in the society.                  


Chapter Seven-Historical Perspective of the Philippines Educational System

-Avelina T. Llagas, Ed. D.

"That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach."
-Aldous Huxley

I learned that the public school system was highly centralized in the year 1901 by the Philippine Commission by virtue of Act No. 74. The reason behind this implementation is because of the shortage of teachers in the country and this implementation brings 600 teachers from U.S.A and was known as Thomasites. I also learned that from the name Bureau of Public Instruction it becomes Bureau of Education under Act. No. 477 which passed on November 1, 1902.

I realize that even the school system before was greatly given attention. I also observe that even the Japanese regime, I see that the education system ensure that Filipinos preserve our own language, history and develop patriotism.

As a future teacher, I should not take for granted the efforts of pople behind of the education system before. I must work hard and offer my service responsibly, honestly, morally, religiously, and competently.

Chap 6-Lesson 12- First Call for Children

I learned that in the preamble emphasized about equal human rights. All the members of the society have the freedom to set forth without any distinction such as their gender/ sex, race, religion, status, language and so on. Also, they declared a policy that emphasized if a child has a mental or physical problem he/she should be given special attention and safeguard as well as the care and includes the legal protection before and after birth. All children should be recognized even children who are living in difficult conditions.
            I realize that after the birth of a child, he/she should be registered directly. A child has the right to have a name, a proof as a citizen of the country, and most of all the love of his/her parents.

                 As a future teacher, it is my duty to know laws and policies set by the state.  And as an individual I must abide these given rules.

Chap 6-Lesson 11- UNESCO

I learned that it is really true that learning is to “develop one’s personality and be able to act with greater autonomy judgment and personal responsibility.” I also learned that the learning process is based on these four pillars of education: Learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, and learning to be.

I realize that education is for all. It is free. The program’s priority is to provide every child the opportunity to be educated and to give safe environment through providing a “child friendly school system.”

             As a future teacher, I should respect other’s religion, beliefs, customs, and culture. Also, it is very essential for to encourage my future students to be an active participant in every activity not only inside the classroom as well as in the community they belong.

Chap 6-Lesson 10- Republic Act No. 10157

An Act Institutionalizing the Kindergarten Education into the Basic Education System and Appropriating Funds Therefor

I learned that Kindergarten  Education Act provide equal opportunities to all children and it prepares the child to next level or in elementary level. Since this act is compulsory and mandatory, it should be applied.

I realize that kindergarten is really important as it is part of our K12 Curriculum. I also see that every school should now adopt the Mother Tongue-Based multilingual education (MTB-MLE)   given that the system believes it is easier to teach children from their mother tongue and then to next language.

As a future teacher, I need to develop myself in order to become a reliable teacher and for me to be trusted by my belonged community.

Lesson 9- Excerpts from Republic Act No. 8980

An Act promulgating a Comprehensive Policy and a National System for Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD), Providing Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes

I learned that Early Childhood Care and Development Act stressed the policy to promote the rights of the child regarding on their survival as well as their needs for protection. Also, the children need the support of their parents and their first teacher.

I realize that through promoting this act, the parents as well as the teacher will be aware on how to develop child’s intellect. And by following his act it will supply betterment for the community.

            As a future teacher, it is very important to know the programs of the government and as an individual it will be beneficial for me as well to be knowledgeable about this act.

Chap 6-Lesson 8- Republic Act No. 7877

An Act Declaring Sexual Harassment Unlawful in the Employment, Education or Training, and for Other Purposes

I learned that under this act ”the state should value he dignity of every individual, enhance the development of its human resources, guarantee full respect for human rights and uphold the dignity of workers, employees, applicants for employment, students or those undergoing training, instruction or education.”

I realize that a responsible individual knows how to follow these rules, especially for teachers who cater learning.

As a future teacher I should be morally guided for me to render my service in teaching are. And by God’s help I will be able to share others what I have not only for my future students as well as to my co-workers.

Chap 6-Lesson 7- Excerpts from Republic Act No. 7610

Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act
I learned that there are equal punishments for those people who abuse the rights of a child. And any punishable act will not tolerate by the state.

I realize that “ any person who shall use coerce, force, or intimidate a street child or any child to: Beg or use begging as means of living, ac as conduit or middlemen in drug trafficking or pushing; or conduct any illegal activities, shall suffer the penalty of prison correctional in its medium period to reclusion perpetua.”

As a future teacher, I should be aware and respect the rights of a child as well as respect them as part of the society, as an individual and future contributor for the betterment of the nation they belong.

Chap 6-Lesson 6- Excerpts from the Family Code of the Philippines

I learned that “cases of child abuse in schools have been reported in print and broadcast media. These constitute “professional malpractice” and violation of the standards and the Code of the profession.”

I realize that if a person does not have the patience he/she should not teach. A teacher opts to extend his temper towards his students. A good teacher should have the heart to teach not to hurt. I see that there’s a lot of scenarios happened here and I am so saddened to hear such.

As a future teacher I should learn to love my future students since I believe that it will help me to become more patience and be able to shape them in a good way.

Chap 6- Lesson 5- Organizational Structure of the Department of Education Field Offices

I learned that in order to understand the governance and communication flow in the system, I should know the structure and hierarchical levels in the Department of Education.

I realize that my professor in this subject is right that it is an obligation to be aware on this matter. I see that structural components are in place so that the vision and mission of the Department will be carrying out perfectly and systematically.

As a future teacher, I should know the sequence of my national and local superiors. I ought to understand and be aware of the number of school divisions from different location as well as to understand their respective roles.

Chap 6-Lesson 4- Republic Act No. 9155

An Act Instituting a Framework of Governance for Basic Education, Establishing Authority and Accountability, Renaming the Department of Education, Culture and Sports as the Department of Education and for Other Purposes.

I realized that our education system carefully planned for the improvements of the society and provide strong foundation to schools and learning centers. I also learned that teachers are called Learning facilitator-“the key-learning support person who is responsible for supervising/facilitating the learning process and activities of the learner.”

I realize that teachers have a lot of things to follow in order to become competent, knowledgeable, and reliable. I also observe that a good teacher is someone who we can trust.

As a future teacher I want to become a good teacher as well as reliable. Also, I must be aware about the contents of these sections since it is a must to know.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Chap 6-Lesson 3- Batas Pambansa Blg. 232

An Act Providing for the Establishment and Maintenance of an Integrated System of Education

I realized that the education system is not only providing the needs of the society but to forcefully execute for the betterment of human life. And the education system assures that it can provide good leadership through carefully planned, organized, and declared sections.
I realize a teacher opts to follow these sections in order to render good service. And students have the right to receive a quality of education.

As a future teacher, I should follow these set rules by the state and never stop improving my career.

Chap 6-Lesson 3- Batas Pambansa Blg. 232

An Act Providing for the Establishment and Maintenance of an Integrated System of Education

I realized that the education system is not only providing the needs of the society but to forcefully execute for the betterment of human life. And the education system assures that it can provide good leadership through carefully planned, organized, and declared sections.
I realize a teacher opts to follow these sections in order to render good service. And students have the right to receive a quality of education.

As a future teacher, I should follow these set rules by the state and never stop improving my career.

Chap 6-Lesson 2- REPUBLIC ACT NO. 4670 The Magna Carta for Public Teachers

I learned that to become a professional teacher, he/she must gain the minimum educational qualifications ask by the Department of Education. And I also learned that in Republic Act no. 4670 known as the Magna Carta for Public Teachers cover the rights, privileges, and benefits of public school teachers.

I realize that when it comes to transfer of station, I thought it before that teacher has to follow his/her superior without question even it is unjust transfer. But after reading this lesson I see that a teacher may appeal his case if there is no justification regarding of his/her transfer. And I also learn other sections from this lesson, such as sections under; House of Work and Remuneration, Health Measures and Injury Benefits, Leave and Retirement Benefits, Teacher Organization, and Administration and Enforcement, which can make teachers perform their duties well responsibly and competently.

As a future teacher, I want to be a competent and knowledgeable educator and being aware of these sections will help me to be not ignorant of things that a teacher must know. 

Chapter Six -- Education and Teacher-Related Laws

Lesson 1- The 1987 Constitution

ARTICLE XIV- Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture, and Sports

I learned that in order to become a truly professional teacher, I should study the laws that are necessary to my profession and internalized these laws together with its implementation. It is also important to know the course to follow in guiding learners not only in the classroom but as well as outside the premise of the school. And being aware of these laws make a teacher exercise his/her rights and privileges.

I realize that in this lesson, the teacher will be able to perform competently through being responsive of these sections. If I happen did not read this lesson, it will surely turn me into an unqualified and ignorant teacher. I also realize that being a professional teacher does not mean being academically smart alone, but knowledgeable enough about the rights of the learners, education process, and laws and standards set by the state.

As a future teacher, the things I learn from this lesson will eventually help me to render my service responsibly and competently. To become a reliable educator, citizen and as a person, I must value and comprehend the content of each section of the 1987 Constitution.

Chapter Five -Becoming A Professional Teacher


Lesson 1 Reflection—The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

            I learned that being a professional teacher does not stop his task after taking special training, exams and who gained license. Professional teachers are those who abide the code of ethics.

            I realize that a teacher should be responsible enough towards his action and never use his position to anything that will make his reputation tainted. I  also realize that teachers must maintain his name clean and should never commit mistakes on financial matters. Also from this lesson, I see that it serve as guide and constant reminder for teachers; to follow what is right, being professional, and aware of his responsibilities.

            As a future teacher, the learning I have will surely serve as my companion to my career and as a guide to avoid things that will make me a failure educator. As I really want to serve my future students professionally and responsibly, I should follow the code of ethics of professional teachers.

Chapter Four -The Professionalization of Teaching

“The policy goals should be to ensure that all children have access to skillful teachers to make the teaching profession more attractive to talented young adults, and to produce humane and intellectually lively learning communities for both students and teachers.”
-Linda Darling- Hammond

Lesson 1 — Basic Laws on the professionalization of Teaching

I learned that there are basic laws that a teacher must to follow. And for the betterment of the teacher’ career he/she should follow the following laws:

·         PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 1006-Providing for the professionalization of teachers, regulating their practice in the Philippines and for other purposes
·         REPUBLIC ACT No. 7836 –An Act to strengthen the regulation and supervision of the practice of teaching in the Philippines and prescribing a licensure examination for teachers and for other purposes
·         REPUBLIC ACT No. 9293” An Act amending certain sections of republic act numbered seventy-eight hundred and thirty-six (R.A No. 7836) otherwise known as the “Philippine teachers professionalization act of 1994”

I realize that these basic laws for teachers serve as guide to all public teachers to work responsibly and with knowledge. I also realize, teachers are guided by these laws to become fully professional.

Chap 3-Lesson 5---Bringing the World into the Classroom through Education Technology

“Digitally-mediated learning encompasses more than knowledge of technology tools. Educators must be prepared to mediate learning through ever-evolving digital tools. Media is rapidly taking over teaching as students learn from gaming, open source knowledge, virtual scenarios, avatars and Second Life. Educators must prepare for facilitative roles that can harness these opportunities to best student advantage.”---- Jane Bailey

I learned that technologies are now part of our education system. It linked us to knowledge, resources, and order thinking skills. Technologies now play a vital role not merely inside in a certain classroom but as well as in school worldwide. And because of this, teachers should prepare using technologies in teaching as part of global demand for quality education.

    I realize after reading this lesson that there are a lot of ways to bring the world into the classroom, such as using television, DVD’s and even checking news from the internet that covers global issues. The only thing needed is the competence, resourcefulness, and effort of a teacher. I see that to become a global teacher, I must be aware of this important ingredient, the use of technology for innovative teaching.

    The benefits of technologies were very promising but unfortunately, there are some schools that computers, for example, are way expensive to provide. In spite of this truth, technology can “ act as a scaffolding to learning and promote independent learning and collaboration with experts” so therefore it is a great help to all. And this matter should not take for granted by the government.

    As a future teacher, to become a reliable and competent teacher, I should adapt the changing system and never stop learning. I must not forget the learning I had from this lesson and use it to educate well my future learners.

Chap 3- Lesson 4--- Broadening Teaching Perspectives: Teacher Exchange Programs

We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own.--- Ben Sweetland

I learned that in order to become a global teacher, I should broaden my teaching perspectives, expand my experience, and adapt changes. And participating in teacher exchanges programs will be beneficial and opens for more opportunities.

    I realize that there are lots of programs that a teacher can engage with, like; Visiting International Faculty Program (VIF), Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program , Canadian Exchange Program, to name a few, which make a teacher more competent, knowledgeable and more sensitive towards others. At first, I had no idea that this can be a great help regarding on classroom management but as it is discussed by my professor, I see that a teacher who participates in teacher exchange programs can contribute to the development and improve the school management of the school where he/she belong.

    As a future teacher, I must involve myself in non-stop learning. And for me to be able to provide quality education, good guidance and help my learners to improve themselves, I should be aware of things that will make me progressive.

Chap 3-Lesson 3--- Multicultural Diversity: A Challenge to Global Teachers

All men are pretty much alike. It is only by culture that they are set apart.—Confucius

I learned that in a classroom with diverse students, the teacher must provide various approaches in teaching. A teacher should be sensitive enough when it comes to the learner’s language, race, socioeconomic status, gender, ethnicity, culture, and religion. I learned that in order to address these differences, the teacher should avoid stereotyping as well as biases. And to achieve harmonious relationship within the classroom, the teacher should ensure all students have an equal opportunity to participate in class discussion and supply activities that can foster collaboration and develop intercultural relationships.

               I realize that in multicultural classrooms is not merely to create awareness of the differences between students but broadens the horizon of a teacher. Since the teacher considers the student’s background and experiences, he/she can expand his/her knowledge and strategies as well. I also realize that through this setting the students will unfold concern, compassion, and charity towards others. Also, in mainstreamed setting, the learners with exceptionalities will be exposed to a broader opportunity.

              As a future teacher, whether my future students and I have different backgrounds, I must never discriminate. And as their teacher, I should look each of my learners as a unique individual. Furthermore, I see that the information shared from this lesson should be kept in mind and the guidelines offered from this discussion must be followed.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Chap 3-Lesson 2—A Closer Look at the Education Systems of Selected Countries of the World

Benchmarking is the learning the best from the best practices of the world’s best educational systems.

I learned that education is universal. I have seen from a different educational system from this lesson were saying that basic education is compulsory in most countries and of course our very own, Philippines. This enforcement was the positive response to the global education presented by the United Nations. I also learned that these countries may differ on a number of years in every level, primary or secondary, but they the same goal, global competence.

I realize after reading this matter, I observe that in order for one country to facilitate good education it should be base on how other countries provide quality of education. I see that through benchmarking, each country has been moving upward to achieve the best education for their learners. When reading about basic education from different countries, I realize that in higher education they are almost the same. The standards, requirements, and qualification must be achieved by the students.

As a future teacher, I must not ignorant with this important knowledge, so that I could serve my country as best as required. I should meet the standards given for the 21st-century teacher.

Name of Country
Level of Education
Special Features
·         Pre-School
·         Junior HS
·         Senior HS
·         Graduate Student
·         4-5 years old
·         5-6 years old
·         12-13 years old
·         16-17 years old
·         Free education in basic education
·         Spiral education
·         Government assistance enrolling in senior high school in private school

·         Primary school
·         Junior High School
·         Senior High School
·         College
·         6-11 years old
·         12-15 years old
·         16-17 years old
·         Free education in basic education
·         Second certificate of education
·         Primary education
·         Junior middle school
·         Senior middle school
·         university
·         6 years
·         3 years
·         3 years
·         6 years
·         Open door policy
·         Elementary school
·         Lower secondary school
·         Upper secondary school
·         University school
·         6 years
·         3 years
·         3 years
·         4 years
·         Students perform far better on interaction examination than American do.
·         Lack of crime
·         respectful
·         foundation stage
·         key stage one
·         key stage two
·         key sage three
·         key stage four
·         3-5 years
·         5-7 years
·         7-11 years
·         11-14 years old year group 7-9
·         Aged 14-16 and years group 10-11
·         Strong mandate
·         It mandates core subject: English, Math, and Science.
·         Mandates core subject: foreign language and information/communication Technology.
·         Emphasis on none difficult topics and the addition of sex education core curriculum courses that lead to qualification in each of the five subject areas which are, English, Math, Science, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), it is not mandatory
New Zealand
·         Pre-school
·         Years 1-8
·         Years 7-8
·         Years 7-13
·         University

·         Birth- 5 years
·         5-13 years
·         11-13 years
·         11-17 or 18
·         17 onward
Early childhood primary school intermediate secondary school tertiary
·         Kindergarten
·         Elementary
·         Junior high school
·         Senior high school
·          college
·         6 years
·         4 years
·         2 years
·         4 years
·         Free education in primary and tertiary
·         Spiral curriculum

Most of the countries are now following the K12 curriculum and I think their education system is compulsory and is free to all learners. In my own opinion, our government should follow what Japan’s Education have, that have great emphasis in their own language. Though we are now mother-tongue based but unfortunately, there are some schools rarely practice it.