Thursday, September 29, 2016

Chapter Two The Teacher in the Classroom and Community

-Gloria G. Salandanan, Ph.D.

Lesson 1—The National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS)

I learned that a teacher in the country has to meet the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) to become an ideal teacher, and must be able to provide advantageous environment for the learners with different backgrounds. I also learned that teachers are not merely facilitator of the classroom as well as partner of the parents, home, and the community when it comes to the education of the child.

I realize that a work of a teacher requires so much effort. Besides it requires mastery of subjects, communicating the goals and objectives, using the given instructional time, and even in selecting teaching strategies. I am not aware of these before but when I start reading the contents from this lesson I realize that despite the hardship in teaching area, following this standard makes you become reliable to the learners and they are going to put their hopes on you to the point where you feel so blessed and see your profession enjoyable. I also learn that in teaching field, a teacher must develop good relationship to the parents of the learners, superiors, and to the community.

As a future teacher, being aware of this standard will makes me an ideal teacher which the learners, their parents, my future superiors, and even the community I serve will see me as reliable person and can be trusted. This knowledge will surely helps me and be my guide to become a good contributor in the society.

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