Thursday, September 29, 2016

Chap 2-Lesson 3—School and Community Relations

It takes a village raise a child.—African Proverb

I learned that school and community both shares strong partnership for the betterment of the learning environment of the learners and teachers are committed to establish a good relationship with the learners’ parent with the intention of having positive solutions and better understanding when facing difficulties. I also learned that there are helpful associations that were ready to give assistance through sharing their expertise, efforts, and resource materials.

I realize that in teaching it is really “takes two to tango.” As what I have observed, teacher alone cannot face problems regarding on the students’ difficulties. I think this is the reason why there are such scenarios in school that the teacher is feeling so down seeing her/his students perform poorly and only getting nonsense complaints from the parents. Support of the parent is necessary to straighten up the values and character of the learner. And therefore I realize when I’m going to teach I must secure good communication first with the learners’ parent so it will be easier for me to deal with the learner’s needs.

As a future teacher, I should be knowledgeable enough to know what is best for my future students as well as participate in community projects and maintain harmonious relationship towards the learners’ parents and the community I serve.

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