Friday, September 30, 2016

Chap 3-Lesson 2—A Closer Look at the Education Systems of Selected Countries of the World

Benchmarking is the learning the best from the best practices of the world’s best educational systems.

I learned that education is universal. I have seen from a different educational system from this lesson were saying that basic education is compulsory in most countries and of course our very own, Philippines. This enforcement was the positive response to the global education presented by the United Nations. I also learned that these countries may differ on a number of years in every level, primary or secondary, but they the same goal, global competence.

I realize after reading this matter, I observe that in order for one country to facilitate good education it should be base on how other countries provide quality of education. I see that through benchmarking, each country has been moving upward to achieve the best education for their learners. When reading about basic education from different countries, I realize that in higher education they are almost the same. The standards, requirements, and qualification must be achieved by the students.

As a future teacher, I must not ignorant with this important knowledge, so that I could serve my country as best as required. I should meet the standards given for the 21st-century teacher.

Name of Country
Level of Education
Special Features
·         Pre-School
·         Junior HS
·         Senior HS
·         Graduate Student
·         4-5 years old
·         5-6 years old
·         12-13 years old
·         16-17 years old
·         Free education in basic education
·         Spiral education
·         Government assistance enrolling in senior high school in private school

·         Primary school
·         Junior High School
·         Senior High School
·         College
·         6-11 years old
·         12-15 years old
·         16-17 years old
·         Free education in basic education
·         Second certificate of education
·         Primary education
·         Junior middle school
·         Senior middle school
·         university
·         6 years
·         3 years
·         3 years
·         6 years
·         Open door policy
·         Elementary school
·         Lower secondary school
·         Upper secondary school
·         University school
·         6 years
·         3 years
·         3 years
·         4 years
·         Students perform far better on interaction examination than American do.
·         Lack of crime
·         respectful
·         foundation stage
·         key stage one
·         key stage two
·         key sage three
·         key stage four
·         3-5 years
·         5-7 years
·         7-11 years
·         11-14 years old year group 7-9
·         Aged 14-16 and years group 10-11
·         Strong mandate
·         It mandates core subject: English, Math, and Science.
·         Mandates core subject: foreign language and information/communication Technology.
·         Emphasis on none difficult topics and the addition of sex education core curriculum courses that lead to qualification in each of the five subject areas which are, English, Math, Science, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), it is not mandatory
New Zealand
·         Pre-school
·         Years 1-8
·         Years 7-8
·         Years 7-13
·         University

·         Birth- 5 years
·         5-13 years
·         11-13 years
·         11-17 or 18
·         17 onward
Early childhood primary school intermediate secondary school tertiary
·         Kindergarten
·         Elementary
·         Junior high school
·         Senior high school
·          college
·         6 years
·         4 years
·         2 years
·         4 years
·         Free education in primary and tertiary
·         Spiral curriculum

Most of the countries are now following the K12 curriculum and I think their education system is compulsory and is free to all learners. In my own opinion, our government should follow what Japan’s Education have, that have great emphasis in their own language. Though we are now mother-tongue based but unfortunately, there are some schools rarely practice it.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Chapter Three- On becoming a Global Teacher

Being a world-class does not mean going internationally and showing our best out there. Being world-class is passion and commitment to our profession; being world-class is giving our best to teaching. Being world-class starts right inside the classroom
----Conrado  de Quiros

Lesson 1--- Global Education and the Global Teacher

Benchmarking is learning the best from the best practices of the world’s best educational system.
I learned that global education means a goal to be aware of what is needed in education, what is lacking, how to fill those gaps, and deeper understanding about diversity and as well as working to achieve the goals of global education presented by the United Nations. I also learned that global education needs global teachers, teachers who are prepared professionally and intellectually.

I realize that being a world-class teacher does not require going in and out from different countries. But being a world-class teacher has to take pride on its profession, a teacher who can give quality of education and had the passion to teach according to its principle. And because of the competence of teachers in this generation, it gives us hopes to become a better person in the future. Like what I really feel right now, I do owe my teachers for giving me more opportunities and sharing their knowledge. I realize that a world-class teacher have the capability to turn learners in responsible individuals.

As a future teacher, I realize that in order to make the learners live in a meaningful life, I must their world-class teacher. I should be creative, reliable, innovative, and competent. I must also engage myself into non-stop professional development in order for me not to be left behind.

Chap 2-Lesson 4—Linkages and Networking with Organizations

We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results.

I learned that our lives are connected by the things that are according to our needs, interests, and objectives. I learned that we cannot live alone. We need connections. And these connections that bond us give each other’s assistance and support that made us productive.

I realize from this lesson that schools survive because of the help of local, national, and international organizations. And each of these associations where manned by active members and officials. I am not aware of this knowledge before and really think that schools were only supported by the government alone. I also realize that because of establishing these linkages, the school is being able to stand and give full service. And those helps from different organization make education achievable to everyone.

As a future teacher, this information will be my guiding post to work faithfully and with dignity and passion. And the support given by education stakeholders should not be taken for granted. 

Chap 2-Lesson 3—School and Community Relations

It takes a village raise a child.—African Proverb

I learned that school and community both shares strong partnership for the betterment of the learning environment of the learners and teachers are committed to establish a good relationship with the learners’ parent with the intention of having positive solutions and better understanding when facing difficulties. I also learned that there are helpful associations that were ready to give assistance through sharing their expertise, efforts, and resource materials.

I realize that in teaching it is really “takes two to tango.” As what I have observed, teacher alone cannot face problems regarding on the students’ difficulties. I think this is the reason why there are such scenarios in school that the teacher is feeling so down seeing her/his students perform poorly and only getting nonsense complaints from the parents. Support of the parent is necessary to straighten up the values and character of the learner. And therefore I realize when I’m going to teach I must secure good communication first with the learners’ parent so it will be easier for me to deal with the learner’s needs.

As a future teacher, I should be knowledgeable enough to know what is best for my future students as well as participate in community projects and maintain harmonious relationship towards the learners’ parents and the community I serve.

Chap 2-Lesson 2—The 21st Century Teacher

“ If we teach today as we taught yesterday we rob our children of tomorrow.”
—John Dewey

I learned that the teacher today should have the skills of 21st century teacher. A teacher must know how to educate learners according to the changes and improvements of the society. And in order to survive in the education of this century, a teacher should be able to help 21st century learners through becoming adaptable, flexible, productive, and willingly embrace new ideas.

I realize that a teacher should possess an effective communication skill so he/she can collaborate well with others. A silent and shy teacher will not be productive. I realize that a teacher must be confident to talk to other people with all kinds of standing. When reading about communication skill, it really resonates on me that I should have this skill. Since I am kind of a silent person, I must do my best to have this effective communication skill. If I want to be a 21st century teacher, I should discard this unhelpful trait and get the necessary things. Furthermore, I realize that a teacher must know how to separate personal and social responsibility; to balance between work and personal issues. I also reflect that to become 21st century teacher I ought to become media and technology literate.

As a future teacher, the wisdom I gain from this lesson will surely help me to educate my future students. And I must assure that my skills will be appropriate for the changing time and be a reliable educator in society. 

Chapter Two The Teacher in the Classroom and Community

-Gloria G. Salandanan, Ph.D.

Lesson 1—The National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS)

I learned that a teacher in the country has to meet the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) to become an ideal teacher, and must be able to provide advantageous environment for the learners with different backgrounds. I also learned that teachers are not merely facilitator of the classroom as well as partner of the parents, home, and the community when it comes to the education of the child.

I realize that a work of a teacher requires so much effort. Besides it requires mastery of subjects, communicating the goals and objectives, using the given instructional time, and even in selecting teaching strategies. I am not aware of these before but when I start reading the contents from this lesson I realize that despite the hardship in teaching area, following this standard makes you become reliable to the learners and they are going to put their hopes on you to the point where you feel so blessed and see your profession enjoyable. I also learn that in teaching field, a teacher must develop good relationship to the parents of the learners, superiors, and to the community.

As a future teacher, being aware of this standard will makes me an ideal teacher which the learners, their parents, my future superiors, and even the community I serve will see me as reliable person and can be trusted. This knowledge will surely helps me and be my guide to become a good contributor in the society.

Chap 1-Lesson 5—Teaching as Your Vocation, Mission, and Profession

One looks back with the appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feeling…”—Carl Jung

I learned that teaching is the noblest profession that the world ever has. It may not guarantee financial security to teachers, it may be full of disappointments, hardships, and sacrifices, but being a teacher, being someone who can contribute for the betterment of this world, giving help as best as you can, and engraving your existence through touching the lives of people are priceless.

I realize that teaching is really my perfect vocation. I did not plan to be a teacher before, I am even surprise myself that I made to enroll myself in Professional Education. I see that walking in this “less traveled road” is God’s calling. I think that teaching is a mission entrusted to those who respond to God’s calling and therefore should not take for granted. I also realize that teaching is not simply job to do just to be paid. It was never a job to finish only within the given time. But teaching is making sure that the students will become a responsible citizen in the society, to become better human not only for the present time but as well as for the future.

As a future teacher, I should know that teaching is as same as nursing, accounting, engineering, a profession. It requires “long years and arduous year of preparation and a striving for excellence.” For that reason, I must embrace to go through hardships, long period of time to prepare, and continuing professional improvements. In order for my future students learn best I must render quality service.

Chap 1-Lesson 4—Values Formation and You

Education in values means the cultivation of affectivity, leading the educand through exposure to an experience of value and of the valuable.---- R. Aquino

I learned that the values that are unchanging, universal, and remains a value despite no one values them are called transcendent values. And this transcendent value is where values formation begins. I also learned that the value formation of a teacher has three dimensions, wherein just knowing the value is not enough but as well as appreciate and live with it.

I realize that our value formation is a training of our will and intellect. For this reason, life circumstances serve as annoying challenger to us whether we can stand firmly to our values or not. I reflect that sometimes when facing conflicts, I honestly had a hard time choosing the just decision, particularly if that decision will put me in tough situation. I also did realize about the logic behind what St. Thomas Aquinas said; “the intellect proposes and the will disposes.” When you are already aware on something that is bad, then that is simply not good. Therefore proceed to your fullest to avoid it. Moreover, to become a responsible individual, we must practice doing the right thing, make it a habit, and never fall into temptation. With that, we can live a virtuous life.

As a future teacher, to become a role model to my future students, I must follow the sequence of Max Scheler’s hierarchy of values. I should use my skills, talent, and knowledge to help others, to render my service selflessly and compassionately. I ought not to use my God-given capabilities to degrade others but use it according to God’s purpose.

Chap 1-Lesson 3— The Foundational Principles of Morality and You

When you carry out acts of kindness you get a wonderful feeling inside. It is as though something inside your body responds and say, yes, this is I ought to feel--- Unknown

I learned that the foundational moral principle may express in so many ways by other people with different race, ethnicity, nationality, economic status, and religion, but every man whether theist or atheist considered it as natural law. I learned that “Do good and avoid evil” which our fundamental law is not written literally in any printed materials but was engraved in every man’s heart. And this is the most important requirement of being a model teacher.

I realize that if you are person with a good moral character, you opt to be human, loving, virtuous, and mature. Every human follows the law of morality which according to Panizo means; “the quality of human acts by which we call them right or wrong, good or evil.” I realize that our morality defines us. If you are truly human, you must be aware the right thing that a real human do, that our character, behavior, and habits are good when its accordance to the society’s norm. Also, we are capable to reason out and have the free will to choose and we choose to care for one another. Furthermore, I realize how important being a virtuous person is. Living with virtue makes your life harmonious. And being a mature person develops good relationship to everyone.

As a future teacher, I know that the discussion from this lesson will be able to help me in the near future. I was so thankful that I am now aware of the things that a teacher must follow and it gives me a clear understanding of how important a role model is. And as an aspiring teacher I am expected to become a person with good moral character. 

Chap 1-Lesson 2—Formulating Your Philosophy of Education

Philosophy is vital only when the questions are mine and so is the struggle towards answer. ----W.Luijpen

I learned that everyone has its own philosophy of education that served as guiding post in dealing with other people and learned that our personal philosophy of education is reflected on how we made decisions, how we behave ourselves, and what attitude do we have in solving problems. If we are going to master our philosophy of education, then we will find ourselves more consistent in every aspect.

I realize that formulating your philosophy of education makes us firm with our stand. It enlightens us to understand the learner in particular and will be aware of what must be best taught, and how these learning are taught that the students will comprehend effectively. I honestly am clueless about these things before, but when reading this lesson I realize that in order to become a good teacher I must not let myself become ignorant.

As a future teacher, the things that I learn from this lesson will surely helps me to become a better teacher and will serve as my guide to facilitate well my future students.

Chapter One -You, the teacher as a Person in the Society

“Teachers. . are the most responsible and important member of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth.”

-Helen Caldicott

Lesson 1 Reflection—Your Philosophical Heritage

To philosophize is so essentially human—and in a sense to philosophize means living a truly human life.
--J. Pieper

I learned that there are philosophies of education that a teacher must be aware of. That these philosophies differ in concepts and a teacher ought to know why he or she teaches, what things that must be taught, and how these learnings are taught. I also learned that every teacher has own philosophy of education, they may be different from others but one thing is common: a teacher knows best for his beloved learners.

I realize from this lesson that I am more of existentialist, since I believe that learners have the right to know themselves and must give the chance to prosper according to his talents and capabilities. Besides, when it comes on subject matter, the students are given options and these options will help them become creative, inspired, resourceful, and realize self-worth. Also, I did realize that in order for the learners learn effectively, the teacher must know how to make strategies so the students will be more open and expressive.

As a future teacher, I am sure that the learnings I had will become my guide on how to facilitate my future students and will surely helps me to teach well. Furthermore, as an existentialist, I must not impose my beliefs and values towards my students since values are personal and I should be non-judgmental with their differences and always maintain sense of responsibility.

My Philosophy of Teaching

Since “existence precedes essence” I believe that every child has the right to understand themselves, know their capabilities and appreciate their unique talents. I believe that education is the best experience for the learners when they enter school. And in order for them to enjoy their life, I think a teacher must fully understand their uniqueness. As an educator whom entrusted for providing quality of education, I must facilitate learning with consideration of their interests, capabilities, and talents. I must equip them with the tools necessary for their success.           

In order to accomplish these objectives, I think the most important is to make every learner feel comfortable and confident about themselves. I believe that an educator must provide variety of experiences that will turn them into creative individuals and be able to express their views. Open and honest communication will serve as firm foundation to unfasten a democratic environment and the students will interact harmoniously with each other as well as with their teacher.

Academic learning must be appealing, inspiring, motivating for the students. The teacher should apply passion in sharing knowledge so the students will participate actively. Also, the learning must be like a journey for both parties. To achieve this active learning, as a teacher, I must give activities, projects, and lessons that are relevant to the student’s life and can make the learners discover their own preferences and strength.  Through this, the students learn effectively.

In addition to ensure the learner’s better future, I am prepared for whatever challenge I may face in this profession. And promise to provide a responsible and honest education to my learners. Moreover, I must not be judgmental and never force my values towards them. And as an existentialist, I believe that “values are personal.”

My Teaching Career Plan

After taking Professional Education, I plan to take Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). Since all teachers must acquire valid state certification, I should have it. With this, I am not limited in my employment options. Then I will find my working place and by God’s grace, I will serve my community as a teacher.

As an educator, I should never stop studying, learning, and improving myself for the sake the people I serve. I must engage myself into seminars, activities, or anything that will improve my teaching career. With at least two years after being hired, I plan to take master’s degree as it requires in teaching colleges. Given that I want to experience teaching different levels of learners including college students of course, I must achieve it. 

Becoming How a Teacher a Teacher

The moment I realize that I want to become a teacher, I decided to change myself for good. I have flaws. And these flaws are not suitable for becoming a good teacher. I neither a genius nor have an honorary background, but I strive. I strive to achieve what I want.

To become a good teacher, I should attain the standards given by the state and abide the teaching of God. I must work hard to become a role model, so therefore I should avoid things that will hinder to my career. As of now, I am taking Professional Education. I may be not as good as to most, but I do my best to turn into a better person and soon to be qualified as a teacher. There may be times that circumstances occurs and makes me feel hopeless, but being reminded by some teachers whom I look up to, I slave myself to excellence. This is maybe the reason why that I want to become an educator, to be like them. I also want to help, encourage, and influence.